Proving TV’s Mr Nasty is well and truly gone, Simon Cowell tenderly holds his newborn son saying: “I never knew how much love and pride I would feel.”
Proud dad Simon couldn’t contain his excitement following the arrival of Eric on Friday and posted a series of heart melting pictures of the three-day-old on his Twitter account.
He told his 9.5million followers: “Now you can see how very handsome little Eric is” as he was photographed gently holding his hand while touching his face as the baby slept.
Another picture, all of which were posted in black and white tonight, showed him cradling his son as exhausted mum Lauren Silverman beamed with delight.
Simon wrote: “Mum, Dad and Eric. Now two days old.”
However the most touching image showed the 54-year-old, nicknamed Mr Nasty due to his withering put downs on X Factor, showed holding his son to his chest as he slept.
Within minutes the picture had gone viral, leading to more than 23,000 rewteets worldwide within an hour of it being posted.
“I never knew how much love and pride I would feel,” he captioned the photograph.
The pictures also show Eric how has followed in his father’s footsteps already by having a full mop of dark hair.
Shortly after the posting the images Simon and girlfriend Lauren, 36, were set to leave the £500-per-night Lenox Hill Hospital in New York to return to their home on Park Avenue.
He is expected to stay in Manhattan until the latter part of the week before returning to the UK to rejoin the Britain’s Got Talent auditions.
Earlier Simon spoke to the Mirror about his joy.
He said: “He’s amazing.”
The X Factor boss named his son after his late dad and gave him the middle name of Philip .
He named the boy in memory of his late father Eric – whose middle name was also Phillip – who died of a heart attack aged 81 in 1999.
However it may have also be a tribute to Topshop boss, Sir Philip Green, amid speculation the high street billionaire could be godfather to the music mogul’s firstborn.
Emotional Simon was said to have wept tears of joy at the birth of his first child on Valentines Day, telling Lauren: “This is the happiest day of my life.”
A source said: “Simon wanted to pay proper tribute to the influence of his late father in his life.
“Eric Philip is clearly a very proper and respectful tribute to the man. But there’s no doubt he also wanted to pay some kind of tribute to another Philip who has been a major inspiration in his life, Sir Philip Green.
“It’s tremendous he’s been able to pay respect to two different male role models with his baby son’s birth.”
New York socialite Lauren called Simon late on Thursday to say the baby was on his way.
He was at the BGT auditions in London and dropped everything to catch the first flight out to New York.
He managed to arrive just in time to see Eric born at 5.45pm time, weighing 6lbs 7oz.
The first person he called was mum Julie, 87, who is described at being deeply touched at the tribute to her late husband.
A source close to Simon said: “It was an incredible and emotional day. Simon was by Lauren’s side the entire time from when he arrived. He admitted he was a little nervous before but when it came to it he was completely natural.”
Despite his long journey he spent yesterday awake with his new family.
The source added: “There were a few happy tears from everyone, including Simon.
“He kept thanking everyone at the hospital and his team. He couldn’t stop smiling.
“They’re so excited and Lauren feels great. Simon’s besotted and they’re both so totally in love.”
Simon will spend a few days with Lauren and Eric before returning to the Britain’s Got Talent judging panel. She will join him in the UK in five to six weeks.
A source told the Sunday Mirror: “As much as it saddens Simon to leave them he’s determined to make this year’s BGT a huge success.”
Lauren will apply for a passport for Eric but Simon has vowed his son will have dual US and UK citizenship.
On Saturday Simon’s former girlfriend Sinitta, who is tipped to be Eric’s godmotherr, – tweeted a snap of what Baby Cowell might look like complete with a hairy chest like dad and wrote: “IsThisThePic?”
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