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Thursday 8 May 2014

This Medical Student who auctioned her virginity changed her mind after being offered $801,000(N129m)

After putting up her virginity for auction online,(Earlier post here) Medical student going by the name Elizabeth Raine" was offered  $801,000(About 129 million naira) but has now decided not to go through with the auction again.

She wrote
"The bidding closed yesterday as planned (high bid was $801,000), but I am here to tell you that the terms of the auction will not be fulfilled. With the blessings of my management and the high bidders, I have decided to put a stop to this kerfuffle (to describe it nicely) and return my focus to my medical training. I still do possess some spitefully strong beliefs about virginity, prostitution, and a woman's right to do as she damned pleases, but school is my first priority (as it has been for my entire life). At this point, I no longer care about the auction, at all. This was a very easy decision."
I guess she's keeping it for love..

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