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Saturday, 7 June 2014

Is Yvonne Okoro Almost BROKE?

 Actress Yvonne Okoro drives a Mercedes Benz which she is rumoured to have received from a certain businessman in Ghana, for FREE. And don’t repeat this anywhere else you will get your butt sued…

Over the years, we’ve talked about Ghanaian celebrities living beyond their means—claiming to be ‘balling’ when in fact; they don’t have that much of a bank balance.

When it comes to those western celebrities our local stars desperately want to copy, you will hardly catch then repeating a dress—that is what makes it difficult to be a real celebrity, especially when you want to be seen everywhere.

About two years ago, Yvonne Okoro attended the annual Showbiz Honour, rocking a yellow dress — and we swear, we just spotted her wearing the SAME goddam dress in Nigeria, where she is shooting a movie.

If this was any ordinary person, we wouldn’t have been bothered with it but considering the fact that celebrities like Yvonne Okoro and the rest want to tell us they are STINKING rich, showing their wealth with their first class airplane photos, designer wears among others, we decided to point this out.

It looks like things are getting tough for Yvonne Okoro, financially—and probably her sources of income are closing up. If not, what else would force a ‘baller’ to repeat her dress? After all, it is the ‘changing and changing’ that make her a ‘baller’…

These people need to learn the hard way and stop all the pretending…

We are patiently waiting for her to come and say she has 15 of the same dress-same colour. Anyway, when was the last time Yvonne Okoro featured in any big movie?
Source: ghanacelebrities

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