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Monday, 11 August 2014

Ebola:Juliet Ibrahim reacts as Spanish priest is given experimental drug which was denied Nigeria

The Spanish government confirmed that a 75 year old Spanish Catholic priest, Miguel Pajares, who got infected with Ebola while working in Liberia will be treated with the experimental drug called ZMapp ..
The drug is being administered to the priest at the Madrid’s La Paz-Carlos III hospital where he is in isolation..

Meanwhile,Juliet Ibrahim took to her instagram page to air her displeasure. Remember,Nigeria's request for the drug was turned down by the US. And according to WHO,the Vaccine may only be ready in 2015.

Read what she said below

: "Nigeria asked for the Zmapp drug and was refused the drug! Now Spanish priest who is now back home safely yet suffering from Ebola; Spanish government request for the exact same drug and they are getting the drug to cure him! Africans! Africans! Africans! I said der is more to dis dat meets d eye! Educate urselves and remember right now prevention is better than cure! This is no time for ignorance to take over us if our leaders are joking with this let's not joke about this. #ebolaawareness it is real. God be with us all"

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