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Wednesday 14 January 2015

#noapology: Muslims stage angry protests over Charlie Hebdo's Mohammed cartoon as Boko Haram terror leader hails Paris massacre

Charlie Hebdo's decision to depict the Prophet Mohammed on its front cover today has angered Muslims around the world who called it a renewed insult to their religion.
Around three million copies of the French satirical newspaper hit the stands this morning for the first since the terror attack on its office which killed 12 people.
The front cover showed a weeping Mohammed, holding a sign reading 'I am Charlie' with the words 'All is forgiven' above him.
Such was its immediate popularity, the print run has since been increased to five million after issues sold out within minutes.

Copies have since been changing hands on eBay for three-figure sums as customers rush to get their hands on the edition. 
But many Muslims believe their faith forbids depictions of the prophet and reacted with dismay - and occasionally anger - to the latest cover image. 
Some felt their expressions of solidarity with Charlie Hebdo after last week's attack had been rebuffed, while others feared the cartoon would trigger yet more violence.  
'You're putting the lives of others at risk when you're taunting bloodthirsty and mad terrorists,' said Hamad Alfarhan, a 29-year old Kuwaiti doctor.  
Filipino Muslims set fire to a banner with a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a protest at what they described as 'double standard' practices of the Western media against Muslims in the wake of global call for condemnation following the terrorist attack at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
In the Philippines, there were angry protests at the front cover and also the perceived double standards by the West. 
Placards by demonstrators in Marawi were held aloft which accused the West of remaining silent over the deaths of Muslims and that said 'You are Charlie, I love Mohammed'.
In one rally a picture of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was set on fire and banners waved that declared there would be no apology from the Islamic world for the Paris massacre. 
Mr Netanyahu became a central figure in the response to the attacks after four Jewish shoppers were killed by one of the Islamic fanatics at a kosher deli the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings.
Outrage: Many Muslims believe their faith forbids depictions of the prophet and reacted with dismay - and occasionally anger - to the latest cover image including at this demonstration in Marawi in the PhilippinesUp in arms: The protesters denounced Charlie Hebdo for featuring Prophet Mohammed in their latest edition
It came as Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram hailed the Paris massacres.
'We are indeed happy with what happened in France,' the group's leader Abubakar Shekau said in a video posted online.
'We are happy over what befell the people of France... as their blood was shed inside their country as they (try to) safeguard their blood,' he said. 
Meanwhile, Abbas Shumann, deputy to the Grand Sheik of Cairo's influential Al-Azhar mosque, said the new image was 'a blatant challenge to the feelings of Muslims who had sympathised with this newspaper.' 
Protest: Demonstrators in Istanbul shouted slogans denouncing a Turkish daily newspaper which printed four-page spread of Charlie Hebdo cartoonsAnger: Dozens of gathered to vent their fury at the Cumhuriyet newspaper, which included cartoons and articles from Charlie Hebdo's latest 'survivor' edition

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