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Tuesday 9 September 2014

'I want Cameron's head on a spike': Female British jihadist hits out at British PM

A female British jihadist has condemned David Cameron (right) for 'waging wars' against Muslims, saying she wants 'his head on a spike'
A female British jihadist has condemned David Cameron for 'waging wars' against Muslims, saying she wants his 'head on a spike'.
The 18-year-old, who is believed to be living in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, north-east Syria, also hit out at the Prime Minister's plans to prevent British jihadis from re-entering the country.
She claimed she would not care if she was stripped of her UK citizenship, describing the notion as 'quite laughable'.
It comes amid concerns that a growing number of young women are leaving their families in Britain to join the jihadi cause in Syria.

Taking to Twitter, the girl wrote: 'In sha Allah [God willing] a day will come when David Camerons head will be on a spike as he continues to wage war on the awilya [protectors] of Allah... and strike terror in the hearts of the kuffar.'
She added: 'I really do not understand why Britain is threatening to remove our citizenship like we care lool its actually quiet laughable (sic).'  

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