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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Is England going to bomb the Scot Nats? Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine mock the break-up of Britain

Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have brought their own idiosyncratic take on the Scottish independence debate as they back the Yes vote.
Separatists have been mockingly comparing the battle for Ukraine with the referendum in Scotland, asking why England doesn't use military force and poking fun at the Queen and US President Barack Obama. 
One supporter of Novorossiya - the breakaway region of eastern Ukraine - posted a picture of the Saltire on Twitter along with the tongue in cheek question in Russian: 'Why doesn't England bomb the Scottish separatists?' 
Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine have brought their own idiosyncratic take on the Scottish independence debate as they back the Yes vote. One supporter of Novorossiya posted this picture of the Saltire on Twitter along with the tongue in cheek question in Russian: 'Why doesn't England bomb the Scottish separatists?'In one Twitter post a mock-up showed the Queen in discussions with Barack Obama In the post, the Queen says: 'Obama, Scotland wants to separate! Help them to calm them down. Accuse them of running a bloody regime.' Obama replies with: 'And is there oil in Scotland?'The Queen answers: 'I will not give it to you!' Before Obama responds with: 'Sorry, Liz! No oil - no bloody regime!'
In one Twitter post a mock-up showed the Queen in discussions with Barack Obama In the post, the Queen says: 'Obama, Scotland wants to separate! Help them to calm them down. Accuse them of running a bloody regime.' Obama replies with: 'And is there oil in Scotland?'The Queen answers: 'I will not give it to you!' Before Obama responds with: 'Sorry, Liz! No oil - no bloody regime!'

The meaning seems to be that the British government has not - as it should have done in Moscow's eyes - objected to military action against separatist areas populated by pro-Russians in Ukraine, yet it would never think of using force against Scotland.
Other postings show feared pro-Moscow rebel military commanders Igor Strelkov and Alexander 'Babay' Mozhaev dressed in kilts ready to intervene in Scotland.
'Babay will come. Will bring order to Scotland,' reads the text.

One post shows pro-Moscow rebel military commanders Alexander 'Babay' Mozhaev dressed in a kilt ready to intervene in Scotland. 'Babay will come. Will bring order to Scotland,' reads the text.A mock-up picture of pro-Russian separatist military commander Igor Strelkov in a kilt along with the words: 'Scotlandia will be free'
A mock-up picture of pro-Russian separatist military commander Igor Strelkov in a kilt along with the words: 'Scotlandia will be free'

Obama replies with: 'And is there oil in Scotland?'
The Queen answers: 'I will not give it to you!'
Before Obama responds with: 'Sorry, Liz! No oil - no bloody regime!'
Elsewhere, pro-Vladimir Putin Russian MP Konstantin Rykov renames himself McRykov to insist: 'Scotland will be free.'
Meanwhile, Ukraine's president today said Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his country.
The announcement has raised hopes for a peace driver which is now underway after five months of conflict in which more than 3,000 people have been killed.  
A Pro-Russian separatist fighter holds a grenade as he stands guard at a check point on a road at Donetsk airport on Wednesday
A Pro-Russian separatist fighter holds a grenade as he stands guard at a check point on a road at Donetsk airport on Wednesday
Ukraine's president today said Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his country. Pictured are pro-Russian separatist fighters at Donetsk airport
Ukraine's president today said Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his country. Pictured are pro-Russian separatist fighters at Donetsk airport

1 comment:

  1. until such time as the militia took to the streets. We are in the Donbass, also had a referendum, after which Ukrainian authorities began to kill us .. Because of the actions of Kiev killed many children and old people ..
