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Sunday 9 November 2014

George Bush reveals he has only one regret about invading Iraq in 2003 - that it paved the way for the rise of ISIS

George W. Bush has revealed he has only one regret about invading Iraq - that it paved the way for the rise of the Islamic State.
Speaking to CBS News in a two-part interview, the 68-year-old former president said he thought it was 'the right decision' to take military action in 2003 in a bid to oust Saddam Hussein.
But he added: 'My regret is that…a violent group of people have risen up again…This is "Al-Qaeda plus"…they need to be defeated. And I hope we do…I hope the strategy works.'
 After the invasion: Bush is pictured addressing the nation aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003. He declared major fighting over in Iraq, calling it 'one victory in a war on terror'
During the interview with Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer,  Bush also revealed that when he threatened to invade Iraq, then-president Hussein did not take him seriously.
'You know, when he was captured... I was told that the FBI agent that talked to him, he said "I just didn’t believe Bush,"' he said. 'And it’s hard for me to believe he didn’t believe me.'
Militant: Bush told correspondent Bob Schieffer: 'My regret is that…a violent group of people have risen up again…This is "Al-Qaeda plus"…they need to be defeated.' Above, an ISIS militant in Raqqa, SyriaThe 2003 invasion of Iraq, which spanned March 19 to May 1 that year, signaled the start of the Iraq War, which claimed the lives of nearly half a million people.

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