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Wednesday 24 September 2014

Red wine 'harms your unborn baby': Healthy ingredient found in the drink could lead to abnormalities in unborn child's pancreas

Pregnant women who have the odd drink should avoid red wine, researchers suggest.
They say that an ingredient in the wine that is normally viewed as healthy could harm their unborn child's pancreas.
Resveratrol has been credited with having protective effects against heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and a number of other conditions.
Naturally present in red wine, red grapes and some berries, it is also available as a supplement.
However, a study now suggests it can lead to developmental abnormalities in the foetal pancreas. 

The study was carried out by the Division of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism and the Division of Reproductive and Development Science at Oregon Health and Science University in the United States.
Lead researcher on the study Dr Kevin Gove said: 'This study has direct relevance to human health. 
'Resveratrol is widely used for its recognised health benefits, and is readily available over the counter.
'The important message in this study is that women should be very careful about what they consume while pregnant, and they should not take supplements, like Resveratrol, without consulting with their doctors.

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