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Tuesday 7 January 2014

First White House Scandal Of 2014: Guests Invited To Michelle Obama’s Birthday Told To ‘Eat Before You Come’

obama party
Is this going to turn into a bigger scandal than the White House gate crashers?

Michelle Obamais planning a big blow out for her 50th birthday party, with drinks and dancing at the White House, but the invites have instructed guests to the First Lady’s milestone celebration have been told to “eat before you come.”
The January 18 gala for President Barack Obama’s wife has been touted as “Snacks & Sips & Dancing & Dessert,” according to the Chicago Tribune, but while guests are expected to cut the rug, they’re also expected to have eaten beforehand.
“To ask people to ‘eat before you come’ is not the way I would have done it,” entertaining expert Colin Cowie told theWashington Post about the possible Obama faux pas.

The backlash might be stronger than anticipated for a party Michelle has said is going to include some of her trademark dance moves, like “The Dougie.”
“I always think of the food,” Cowie said. “ When it comes to making people feel welcome we give them great music, a well-stocked bar, and excellent food — and you do it abundantly.”
Lizzie Post, the great-great-granddaughter of etiquette guide Emily Post joked about the directive to the guests that may have been expecting a full spread from the First Family.
“I don’t think it’s rude, but I do think it’s a little . . . different than what people are used to. How’s that for putting it delicately?” she said.
At least Michelle is going to be serving cake instead of saying “Let them eat cake!”

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