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Saturday 4 January 2014

News: Houston teen injects flesh eating drug Krokodil into her vagina

 All sorts of things are going on in this world every second, real orisirisi!!!

A 17-year-old woman who is a resident of Houston, Texas went to Mexico to visit the Pacific coast resort city of Puerto Vallarta, where she has relatives, in November last year. Soon after, she checked into a local health clinic for digestive problems, and it was there that doctors detected a probable case of flesh lesions due to the drug Krokodil, often referred to as "the poor man's heroin." #Hian.

The head of the council on addictions in the western state of Jalisco, Dr. Enrico Sotelo, who in accordance with privacy guidelines did not reveal the patient's name, said she told authorities she used the drug in Houston. The story was first reported in early December 2013 but her current condition is unknown because she did not return to the health clinic there for any further treatment.

The drug was dubbed "krokodil" in Russia because of greenish, scaly skin lesions addicts develop, giving them the appearance of having crocodile skin.
A home-brewed heroin substitute popular in Russia, Krokodil is often concocted by cooking the prescription painkiller codeine along with gasoline, iodine, phosphorus and other chemicals.
The drug is very dangerous — those who get hooked on it usually die about two years after they first take the drug. 

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