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Sunday 21 December 2014

Anonymous threatens to leak alleged Iggy Azalea sex tape snapshots for 'insulting black culture'

War of words: Iggy (right) has been feuding with rapperĀ Azealia Banks for several months with their argument turning to political and racial issues
Iggy Azalea has become the target of blackmail by online hackers, who have threatened to release an alleged sex tape of the star unless she gives in to their demands in less than 48 hours.
The hackers, claiming to be part of notorious group Anonymous, made the threats to the Australian rapper via Twitter account @TheAnonMessage, which has since been suspended.
The hackers claim they have a sex tape of the 24-year-old, which they will release 'proof' of online unless she makes a public apology to rapper Azealia Banks, who she has been feuding with over the last few months.  

 The unknown users claim that the Fancy singer has made supposed derogatory comments about Banks, and also protesters against police violence in the #blacklivesmatter movement in the US.  
'There's an X rated tape of you, we bet you'd certainly don't want public, are we right? ....and this is nothing. Comply or else' the tweet posted on Sunday read.

The account went on to claim that Iggy is 'guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner's death'.
Garner has become the face of protests against alleged police brutality following his July death following a physical altercation with a police offer
"Anonymous" is one of the biggest online vigilante groups. Its members hack into companies and governments computer systems, and they prefer a life in the shadows, wearing masks in protests.
Feud: 212 rapper Banks recently claimed that the Australian rapper does not care about black issues
Feud: 212 rapper Banks recently claimed that the Australian rapper does not care about black issues

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