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Thursday 12 December 2013

I Met Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

 Myleeza and Sara meet Kanye and Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian loves her Twitter fans.  Especially Myleeza Mingo.
Last week, the Mississippi native tweeted her idol all week in hopes that she’d get to see Kim at the upcoming Yeezus show in New Orleans. Although she didn’t get a tweet back from Kim, she attended the show and hoped that the best would happen.  And it did…
Myleeza can tell it better than we can! She writes:
Kim Kardashian meets Myleeza Mingo
On Friday, my friend Sara and I wanted go to the Kanye concert in New Orleans to see Yeezy kill it and I was praying for a chance to see Queen Kim too! I am the biggest Kim Kardashian fan in the world! We get to the concert and sit in our seats and I started searching so hard for her, but I still couldn’t find her. I sent a tweet asking where she was but she didn’t reply. I started to get discouraged so I just let it go and tried to enjoy Yeezus (who KILLED it by the way. Best show EVER).
Sara went to the restroom for a minute and that’s when my phone started buzzing. I looked and it was Kim tweeting me asking me for my section and seat number so we could go sit with her! My hands couldn’t stop shaking and I started sweating like Shaq in overtime! I waited in the hallway for Sara to come back and she instantly started screaming! We went back to our seats and within two minutes, Kim’s security was there looking for us!
Security brought us on the floor where Kim, her best friend Brittny, Solange, Juelz, Saints player Will Smith and his wife, and a couple more people were sitting. We were dancing so hard walking on the floor before I saw a tiny hand wave at me. I WENT CRAZY. I spoke to Solange first then there she was, the QUEEN herself,Kim Kardashian!
She stood up, hugged me, and said “Hey Myleeza! I’m so glad you could make it!”. YES, she knew me and could pronounce my difficult ass name. We continued to enjoy the show and Kim turned around and said “OMG. We have to get a picture together!” Necole I got SO country. I said “Hell yeah we do! I was waiting for you to say something!” LOL. She leaned in so close to me and did the cutest duck face. Sara and I were screaming every lyric with the Rap God and Solange and Juelz were looking at us like we had really lost our mind. Kim and Brittny turned around and laughed at us too, which was embarrassing and so cool at the same time!
The concert came to an end and Kim started getting her stuff together, but not before she turned around to me and said “Myleeza do you guys wanna go backstage to meet Kanye?” Sara and I froze! We couldn’t speak! We just started hugging and screaming! Kim and Brittny started cracking up at us. We hugged Solange and said bye to Juelz (who was probably terrified of us LOL)
Kim and I chatted for about 10 minutes or so and then Kanye came out! Yes Kanye West, Yeezy, Yeezus, the Rap GENIUS! Kim was in mid sentence and she said “Wait hold on, I’ll be right back” SO POLITE AND SO IN LOVE! If you could’ve been there to see how her face started glowing when she saw Kanye! SO CUTE! Then Kim said “Girls this is Kanye and Kanye this is Myleeza and Sara.” Sara and I turned into stone! We literally couldn’t move or talk! Kanye said “Hello” and me being star struck said “Sara the Kanye West just said hello to us” Then he reached in and hugged us both separately. He was SOOOOO nice Necole! Kim took my phone and said “Come on Myleeza, take a picture with him.” I said “Oh my God! We’re taking a picture with the couple of the UNIVERSE!” Kimye started laughing! We got our pics with Kimye and I started praising Kanye like the genius he is. I said “Kanye thanks for making my fav so happy! I mean look at her she’s glowing!” Kanye laughed. Then I said “I agree with you! If Kim doesn’t get a star on the Walk of Fame, I’m going ballistic!” Both Kim and Kanye laughed. We talked for a while longer and Kim said “Bye Myleeza! Thank you guys so much for coming!” I said “No thank YOU sis! I love you!” and she said “I love you too” THE END! Best moment of all my 19 years of living!
Necole i’m just a small town girl from Bogalusa, LA who happens to be crazy over Kim and Kanye! This is literally a dream! I must say the media has Kim and Kanye SO misunderstood. Kim is so nice, caring, and loyal to her fans! All I wanted was a picture and she made my dreams a reality! People perceive Kanye as a douche bag but he was so calm and patient with my friend Sara and I even though we stared at him for like 3 minutes before we could say anything!
Thanks for reading and sharing my story!
Kim Kardashian and Myleeza Louisiana
Myleeza tweets Kim Kardashian
Back in April, Myleeza also wrote in that she met Kim Kardashian for the first time at her True Reflection perfume launch in Jackson, MS.  Although Myleeza talks to Kim on Twitter every now and again, she didn’t know if Kim would recognize her, so she made a shirt that had her Twitter handle on it so that Kim would notice her.  It worked!
 After waiting for about 8 hours in line with no food or bathroom break, Kim gracefully walked down the isle to be seated. When Kim came near me, she looked at me then began to stare at my shirt while smiling. She was walking to her seat when I called her name so she could sign my Kardashian Konfidential book.  As soon as I walked up to the desk she was sitting at I smiled a huge smile and she smiled back and said “Oh my God! I know you! I remember you from Twitter. We always talk!” Security informed us before hand that Kim couldn’t move from behind the desk, but out of nowhere she stood up and hugged me! Out of hundreds of people, I was the only person she hugged! Even when security tried to stop her she said “No, I have to hug her. I know her from Twitter!”. I put my head right on her baby bump (Don’t believe the lies she is VERY much pregnant) We had fairly long conversation! I told her she was “Doing the damn thang” and she burst out with laughter. She thanked me for always backing her through everything and I told her that I would always have her back.   A couple days after, I realized that I was the only person whose perfume bottle she signed “I love you”.

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