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Wednesday 20 August 2014

British jihadist takes to Twitter to praise execution of journalist James Foley

A young British jihadist has taunted the U.S. government with sickening messages on Twitter praising the brutal execution of kidnapped American photojournalist James Foley.
Nasser Muthanna, 20, sent a number of tweets mocking U.S. efforts to defend Iraq's Yazidi minority from genocide at the hands ISIS militants, saying they 'can't even protect their own citizens'.
The father of the Cardiff-raised militant - who appeared in a chilling ISIS recruitment video earlier this year and travelled to Syria with his brother Aseel, 17, and friend Reyaad Khan, 20 - has described Foley's videoed execution as being 'like something out of the dark ages'.
Muthanna's provocative messages come amid a global Twitter campaign to starve media-savvy ISIS militants of the publicity they desperately crave by using the hashtag #ISISMediaBlackout.

Muthanna is believed to be among at least 500 highly radicalized British Muslims fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
In the shocking footage of Foley's beheading with a small knife, his executioner addresses the camera in what appears to be a London or southern English accent.
Muthanna's father has condemned the beheading and called for the video to be taken off the internet.
Ahmed Muthana, 57, said: 'Any right-thinking human being would condemn this. It is brutal and like something from the dark ages.
'The video should be taken down from the internet where it will drive other Muslims to think of this like some sort of game.

'It could be seen by children, and beheading is so horrific I would not want to see it myself.'
Mr Muthana, who came to Britain as an 11-year-old, said he was relieved that the alleged British executioner apparently speaks with a London accent and not a Cardiff one like his two sons.

Desperate to provoke: One deluded ISIS supporter hoped to attract attention by posting a message attacking the majority of peaceful Muslims who consider Foley's execution a sickening and barbaric act

Warped: Warnings of a crackdown on ISIS militants appeared to have had little impact on Islamists online who gleefully shared sickening images and videos of Foley's execution - which some branded 'hilarious'
Foley's execution could mark something of a watershed moment for savvy jihadists' use of social media to spread the propaganda of ISIS - a group considered so extreme that it has been condemned as too brutal even by notorious Islamic terror network Al Qaeda.
Countering jihadists' provocative messages designed to upset and antagonise those in the West, one young Libyan woman used the hashtag #ISISMediaBlackout to say she would no longer refer to ISIS' digital activity - no matter how shocked and appalled she was by it.
Using the Twitter handle @LibyaLiberty, a woman calling herself Hend tweeted:'Amputate their reach. Pour water on their flame.'
Since then thousands have joined the movement, refusing to engage with the militants or share their provocative statements, images or videos

Since then thousands have joined the movement, refusing to engage with the militants or share their provocative statements, images or videos

Since then thousands have joined the movement, refusing to engage with the militants or share their provocative statements, images or videos

#GodHelpus ALL

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