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Wednesday 20 August 2014

'No just God would stand for what they did': Obama vows to punish ISIS for beheading James Foley

President President Barack Obama denounced the Islamist terror group ISIS on Wednesday after it released a gruesome video showing the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley.
But news emerged just hours later that the White House knew Foley's captors threatened to kill him if American fighter jets and drones continued airstrikes against them in Iraq.
Foley's family received an emailed threat a week ago warning 'that they would execute Jim,' and made the White House aware of it right away, according to Philip Balboni, who founded the Global Post – a Boston news outlet that published Foley's photographs.
Balboni told reporters that the kidnappers' email was 'full of rage against the United States for the bombing' of ISIS targets.
'[We] explained to them that Jim was an innocent journalist, had done no harm to the Syrian people,' he said. 'Sadly they showed no mercy to Jim.'

Obama delivered a statement from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, during his vacation on Wednesday. His remarks come after 'Islamic State' insurgents released a video showing the beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley, who had gone missing in Syria nearly two years ago
He also said he was confident the federal government knew where Foley was kept – always in Syria, he told reporters. He said the government had likely made efforts to save him, but he did not know the details, as they were classified.
WCVB-TV reported that the administration did not engage in any negotiations for Foley's release, leaving Global Post and its hired-gun investigators to make contact.
'We communicated ... as quickly as we could with the captors,' he explained, 'and pleaded with them for mercy.'

Dignified: Diane and John Foley talked to reporters after the death of their son, photojournalist James Foley, at the hands of ISIS Diane and John Foley talked to reporters after the death of their son, photojournalist James Foley, at the hands of ISIS

On Wednesday Obama declared that 'the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder.'
A senior administration official confirmed to ABC News Wednesday afternoon that the White House knew of the threat in advance of the video's release.
Balboni said the threat was made directly to Foley's family, and that the White House was made aware of it. Secretary of State John Kerry was personally involved with the situation, he said, although he didn't provide details.
Obama didn't mention any advance warnings when he delivered five minutes of remarks Wednesday afternoon. But he said the U.S. won't back down from ISIS, the militant terror group behind Foley's death.
'No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day,' he said.
'ISIL speaks for no religion,' he said, aiming his words at the Islamist faction that claims to have established a Muslim caliphate in portions of Syria and Iraq. 'Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents.'
Foley stood 'in stark contrast' to his captors and executioners, he said, blaming them for a series of 'cowardly acts of violence.'
Americans 'are all heartbroken at their loss and join them in honoring Jim,' he said, somber but not wearing a necktie, as has been his practice during his extended family holiday.
Kerry released a statement 90 minutes later, saying that Foley 'was brave and bold, and no masked coward can ever steal the legacy of this courageous American.'

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