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Monday 22 September 2014

Video: Isis use top video game 'Grand Theft Auto 5' to recruit children and radicalise the vulnerable

Isis is trying to swell its ranks and train fighters using hit video game Grand Theft Auto 5, claiming that what players do in the game resembles their battlefield operations.
They have posted a video to YouTube carrying their flag showing violent scenes from the game, including police officers being gunned down and trucks being blown up.
At the start of the video a message appears that reads: ‘Your games which are producing from you, we do the same actions in the battelfields (sic)!!’. #WATCH video below:

This appears to be a way of saying that if you’re playing Grand Theft Auto, you’re already part way to being an Isis fighter.
There are no real-life scenes in the video, which has been made using a mixture of the online multiplayer mode and the solo narrative.

Egyptian media said that the video is meant to ‘raise the morale of the Mujahideen, and the training of children and young teenagers to fight the West, and throw terror into the hearts of opponents of the state’, according toForbes.
It came as a Syrian who was interviewed by Isis to work in its media centre revealed just how slick and well-funded its PR machine is.
Experts believe that the terrorist organisation has amassed the money necessary to run such a formidable operation partly by smuggling oil from oil fields that it’s taken control of.
The Syrian said he had a job interview with Isis to work in its media centre in Raqqa, Syria's capital, and that he was amazed at the salary he was offered and the equipment he would have at his disposal.
The man, who turned the job down, told the Financial Times: 'They offered me $1,500 a month [five times the average Syrian salary], plus a car, a house and all the cameras I needed. I remembered looking around the office. It was amazing the equipment they had in there.'

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